Don Head wrote:

>>>AFAIK, support has been discontinued by at least RH and MDK.
>>Thanks. I will try Slackware then.
>Just so you know, there's a few of us on a private
>mailing list discussing other-arch Mandrake installs,
>minimal installs, and other such variances on the
>standard Mandrake product.  The list has been silent for
>a couple of weeks due to my job keeping me busy until I
>get laid off (last day is Nov. 30th), after which I'll
>have plenty of time to devote to this.
>I'm acquiring a Sun box in the next couple of days so
>that I can start porting to it.  I plan on having a
>minimal install of Cooker running on every architecture
>I can find, starting with i386/i486 (personal reasons, I
>have a ton of these babies) and Sparc (because no one
>else has taken the initiative, and people like RH and
>MDK are dropping support, which is a bad thing).
>If you're interested (like I said, it's quiet right now,
>and will be for at least a little while longer):

So when you have the time, you can create linux for those sun fire 15k 
Kernels, utilities, networking, and all.

*evil gnome*

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