
Maybe I've talked too fast. We made so many changes that when we started with 
a fresh new second stage file, it hanged once more.

But, here's what to do :

in /i586/Mandrake/mdkinst/usr/bin/perl-install/ comment out 
the lines :

sub probeSerialDevices {

    foreach (0..3) { devices::make("/dev/ttyS$_") }

    -d "/var/lock" or mkdir "/var/lock", 0755;
    -l "/dev/mouse" and $serialprobe{"/dev/" . readlink "/dev/mouse"} = undef;
    foreach (keys %serialprobe) { m|^/dev/(.*)| and touch "/var/lock/LCK..$1" 

    print STDERR "Please wait while probing serial ports...\n";

#    local *F; open F, "$ENV{LD_LOADER} serial_probe |";
#    local $_;
#    my %current = (); while (<F>) {
#       $serialprobe{$current{DEVICE}} = { %current } and %current = () if 
/^\s*$/ && $current{DEVICE};
#       $current{$1} = $2 if /^([^=]+)=(.*?)\s*$/;
#    }
#    close F;

#    foreach (values %serialprobe) {
#       $_->{DESCRIPTION} =~ /modem/i and $_->{CLASS} = 'MODEM';
#       $_->{DESCRIPTION} =~ /olitec/i and $_->{CLASS} = 'MODEM';
#       log::l("probed $_->{DESCRIPTION} of class $_->{CLASS} on device 
#    }

That's all.

Then recompile mdkinst_stage2.bz2

Would it be possible as an option or kernel parameter to pass these lines 
when the mouse used is a PS2 ? In that case, I don't think there's any need 
to probe the serial ports which seem to hang the machine (don't ask me why).

Le Vendredi 9 Novembre 2001 18:01, vous avez écrit :
> Ehlo all,
> Finally, finally... It's over 8))))))))))))))))))
> The installation rolls.
> In fact, we created more problems than necessary 8)
> *All* there was to do (once you know it) to install ML 8.1 or cooker on
> this fu**ing Compaq server :
>   Compile a kernel with cpqarray and PS2 mouse support included (not as
>      modules)
>   Create a disk from the network.img
>   Replace vmlinuz by the new kernel
>   At the first screen press F1
>   Pass a few parameters to the kernel (God knows we tried many params) :
>      linux expert noauto (we never thought about the noauto option)
>   And its over. Everything else turns OK.
>   No need to recompile or change the mdkinst_stage2 thing.
> Now we'll be able to update all our Compaq servers to replace the 8.0
> cooker.
> Anyway, thanks to those who helped.
> Sven

Linux vega.recif.vpn 2.4.13-2mdk #1 Tue Oct 30 15:53:01 CET 2001 i686 unknown
  6:18pm  up 3 days,  1:12,  3 users,  load average: 0.31, 0.27, 0.25

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