torsdagen den 15 november 2001 15.19 Peter Ruskin wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 Nov 2001 14:39, Matthew D. Pitts wrote:
> > Fellow Cookers,
> >
> > I am planning to build an AMD Athlon-based Linux PC. I am planning at
> > this point to use the Giga-Byte GA-7DXR. Has anyone on the list used
> > it?
> >
> > Matthew Pitts
> Yes, I've been using the GA-7DXR since July, after lightning struck my
> PII-40 box.  It did have a 1.4 GHz T'bird Athlon, but that fried a couple
> of days ago after the heatsink dislodged.
> Now I have a 1.6GHz XP, which only runs at 1.05 GHz because my FSB is 200
> - if I ever upgrade the DDR RAM to 266 I'll have the full speed, as you
> can select any system speed between 95 and 150 on the GA-7DXR (FSB = 2x
> this setting).
> With this setup the processor runs at 42.3°C, whereas the T'bird ran at
> 70°C+ until I got a better heatsink that cooled it to 62°C.
> It's a very good motherboard.

Very nice!

But I'm a little afraid of those new hot amd cpu:s, I wish the temperature 
would drop, not increase, this is the wrong way... I'm still using 2x400 
celerons, I'm cool, not overcooked:)

Any upgrading suggestions?

| Oden Eriksson, Deserve-IT Networks, Jokkmokk, Sweden.
| Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Cooker) for i586
| Current uptime with kernel 2.4.13-7mdksmp: 21 hours 13 minutes
| cpu0 @ 814.28 bm, fan 4192 rpm, temp +31.0°C
| cpu1 @ 815.92 bm, fan 4141 rpm, temp +31°C

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