On Thu, 2001-11-29 at 15:16, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Fox) writes:
> > I did reconfigure the network - but the settings don't seem to stick for
> > the reboot . . .
> cat /etc/sysconfig/netw*/ifcfg-eth0 ?
Say what?  Thanks anyway, I got it to work now usinf Linuxconf instead
of Draknet to configure the dhcp on startup . . 

> > Here's the /proc/modules per you request:
> look like it doen't load xircom_cb, we'll look at that.
When you say it doesn't load the xircom_cb module, what do you mean?  I see that 
module on the right hand side fifth item down?


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