On Fri Nov 30, 2001 at 11:36:27PM +0100, Oden Eriksson wrote:

> > - install in the proper location (/var/qmail/bin)
> So now it's proper?

If it's to work with the semi-official Mandrake rpms, then yes, it is

The idea that I have (we'll see if this is sanctioned by djb or
not... I've emailed him but don't really expect a response), is to use
update-alternatives so if you install reisersmtp, it will
automatically create the links to lmail-{smtpd,send} from
qmail-{smtpd,send}-1.03; ala xinetd and others that use

The problem with this is that it means qmail-{smtpd,send} must be
symlinks, which may violate the license.  <sigh>

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