On Sun, 9 Dec 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

> OK, Let's first remove all those gdk packages:
> [root@taz root]# for i in `rpm -qa | grep gdk`
[......lots of output......]

> Now, let's try to run it:
[......lots of error......]
> Segmentation fault
> gdk-pixbuf-loaders seems to be needed:
> gdk-pixbuf-loaders:/usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf/loaders/libpixbufloader-xpm.so

I failed to see what you want to stress here.

This is similar to installing an Apache with all modules removed --
you have apache, but a crappy one. Though it's disgusting, it's still
perfectly legal.

If your means is that gdk_pixbuf packages shouldn't make people's life
difficult, then perhaps it's better to make libgdk_pixbuf depend on
gdk_pixbuf-loader instead, or merge them together.


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