On Monday 10 December 2001 6:04 pm, George Mitchell wrote:

What a beatiful picture you paints, thanks for showing it.

> I for one am pleased to see these new distro startups appearing.  The
> fact is, the Windows market is huge, and contrary to what some believe,
> there is room for a lot of players in that market.  So they will pick up
> users whose needs they are targeting and if they pick up enough, they
> will be around for awhile.  The genius of free software is that even if
> they are not successful, there really good ideas and code will be rolled
> back into the free software codebase and other distros, including
> Mandrake will be free to pick up and assimilate them.  There are a lot
> of critics out there who spout the FUD that there are 'too many'
> different distros and too much 'duplicated' effort, etc.  But free
> software thrives on diversity.  I am glad to see anybody with an idea or
> concept join the party.  Its their concept and their sweat.  In the end
> the whole community (including Mandrake) benefits.  While all distros
> need marketshare to survive, the idea that survival requires cutting off
> someone else's air supply is a long way off, and hopefully will never come.

Mandrake Linux 8.2 Cooker kernel- version:2001:12:08:18:54

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