
VERSION:        (rsync ftp.sunet.se)
Mandrake Linux Cooker-i586 20011212  1:35
/ChangeLog/1.607/Wed Dec  5 23:11:39 2001//

1) Repeat of old pbs
cups -> local printer foomatic gives up during install

xinetd failes during boot and shuting down.

mcc can't be launched from desktop icon, dies after given su-passwd,
when launched from terminal in GUI, it comes up and softwaremanager is 
correctly launched but die and disappear after scanning hd-mirror.

>From messages:
Dec 12 17:51:48 One09 rc: Starting sshd:  succeeded
Dec 12 17:51:49 One09 xinetd: Usage: xinetd [-d] [-f config_file] [-filelog 
filename] [-syslog facility] [-reuse] [-limit proc_limit] [-pidfile filaneme] 
[-logprocs limit] [-shutdownprocs limit] [-cc interval]
Dec 12 17:51:49 One09 xinetd: xinetd startup failed
Dec 12 17:51:49 One09 nfs: Starting NFS services:  succeeded

Dec 12 18:07:58 One09 prelude: prelude_report shutdown succeeded
Dec 12 18:07:58 One09 xinetd: xinetd shutdown failed
Dec 12 18:07:58 One09 atd: atd shutdown succeeded


Mandrake Linux 8.2 Cooker kernel- version:2001:12:12:01:35

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