
This is IMO a very "cookerish" isue, and I hope that sending it to
you would not upsett anyone.

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Date: 13 Dec 2001 01:47:08 -0000
From: Mandrake Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mandrake Forum 1446] Re: Negative comments can be constructive

New comment for Negative comments can be constructive story
Re: Negative comments can be constructive ,by

Well here are some negative coments.<br />
When I want to install a "bare" sistem only with necesary packets I don''t select any 
groups and I still get some stupid packets in it. Like hexedit <br />
Why the hell would I need hexedit if I havent even instaled X.<br />
The secont thing: atitute od mandrake developers.<br />
For example postfix is built with ldap suport but without mysql suport. Ok not a big 
problem just had to edit a few lines in spec file and to build it aggain but here is 
another one:<br />
There was an error in spec file so postfix was built without cyrus-sasl suport. 
Someone reported that and they fixed it in coker.Ofcourse no update was avaiable.Few 
dayes later a dos exploit was found in postfix and an update was isued but gues what 
they didn''t fix the damn cyrus-sasl suport and it was only a matter of deleting one 
extra -I.<br />
What about devfs exploit ? Still no official update.<br />
Another thing :<br />
cyrus-imapd is included in Redhat, ASPlinux , polished linux suse etc... but no 
mandrake package in 8.1 (7.2 had it) Conectiva has built an exchange killer using 
cyrus-imapd but thats still not enough for mandrake. I have built my own (veru ugly) 
cyrus-imapd package and posted spec file and patches to coocker list hoping that 
someone will do some serious work with it. Guess what only one person replied to the 
message without even looking at what I have done ?<br />
That kind of attitude is going to kill Mandrake.<br />
Still Mandrake is the best linux distribution.<br />
Since 7.2 I have been buing powerpacks or prosuites  from mandrake and if I forget the 
lasynes of people in sales department I love it.<br />
Haven''t tried online suport (since a newer registered it ) so there are no comments 
on that :))))<br />
Sorry for my bad English, I don''t realy have time to run this try a spell checker. 
<br />
 <br />

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