
I have recently being setting up an old laptop for someone to use at trade 
fairs. It has an old 800x600 LCD display. For some time it has concerned me 
just how heavy weight Linux applications are becoming, with things like KDE, 
Mozilla and Open Office seeming to take an age to startup. But now it appears 
that Linux users are expected to be using a 1900x1400 screen as well !!  ;-)

Most QT dialogs just about fit into an 800x600 screen, but a lot of the 
Mandrake configuration dialogs don't. Even worse, they can't be resized down. 
I read an article that said that Windows XP was the Fisher Price of UI's, 
using this comparison QT is fast becoming the Duplo bricks UI !!!  ;-)

(Perhaps 800x600 screen holders should be using the QT for palm pilots and 
the like !)


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