what a wonderful idea...
here is another one... what about a unified key
bindings for all desktops. I for one would love to be
able to use the "windows" key for specialty shortcuts
in kde like I used to be able to in sawfish.
--- Yura Gusev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you add to the keyboard configuration program
> ability to choose how to
> change keyboard layout?
> ex
>     grp:switch            R-Alt switches group while
> pressed
> ->  grp:toggle            Right Alt key changes
> group
> ->  grp:caps_toggle       Caps Lock key changes
> group
> ->  grp:menu_toggle       Menu key changes group
> ->  grp:shift_toggle      Both Shift keys together
> change group
> ->  grp:ctrl_shift_toggle Control+Shift changes
> group
> ->  grp:ctrl_alt_toggle   Alt+Control changes group
> ->  grp:alt_shift_toggle  Alt+Shift changes group
>     ctrl                  Control Key Position
>     ctrl:nocaps           Make CapsLock an
> additional Control
>     ctrl:swapcaps         Swap Control and Caps Lock
>     ctrl:ctrl_ac          Control key at left of 'A'
>     ctrl:ctrl_aa          Control key at bottom left
>     grp_led               Use keyboard LED to show
> alternative group
>     grp_led:num           Num_Lock LED shows
> alternative group
> ->  grp_led:caps          Caps_Lock LED shows
> alternative group
>     grp_led:scroll        Scroll_Lock LED shows
> alternative group
> -- 
>   1:24am  up 5 days,  5:35,  2 users,  load average:
> 0.09, 0.03, 0.00
>   O                             //
>  <==-}  ->            .--._.-^-(.}
>   )'                /{        ( \d
>  ./\,                 ) -._.- >
> /  /                   `\    /' GNU  -=LFS*1482=-
>     I am not 31337. But I can use the Vi editor...
> ;-0

SI Reasoning

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