I really like the idea of having the choice to install "thin" software!
It's great to have the whole massive thing, but it's elegant to have
the choice to go for a slice of it without needing to know how to
do the slicing yourself. That's what we want I think, for more people
to be able to use this good stuff.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of SI Reasoning
Sent: December 15, 2001 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Proposal for distribution of images

This also could be a great way to build thin clients.
It would be nice to pop in a floppy in a gutted
machine with 32 meg ram and get enough base install
plus X to run a thin client. I was a bit frustrated
when I tried to do a net install and the mandrake
install just told me I could not do it because not
enough ram. grrrrrr

on ebay you can pick up some great laptop thin clients
with 14" monitors for around $2-300.

--- Han <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hiya,
> Reading a lot of dramatic stories of people on 56k
> modems downloading
> the iso images. After days of downloading they have
> nothing but a
> broken image. And they were so enthousiatic by all
> the good news on
> the site.
> Now my proposal. It is 2-fold.
> 1) lets make a mini-install-image that installs
> nothing else but base.
> After the install you can install any other package
> with urpmi. Done
> this with a friend and ... I liked it that way.
> 2) Lets use the usenet cd-image distribution way (
> on ftp of course )
> * Split the image in multiple rar archives.
> * Add a few parity archives with them.
>   http://parchive.sourceforge.net/
> This is a very tested way to move tons of data over
> unreliable lines.
> Cya, Han.

SI Reasoning

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