On 16 Dec 2001, Juan Quintela wrote:

> >>>>> "claudio" == Claudio  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> claudio> The latest "official" kernel for 8.1 is 2.4.8-34.1mdk, so I wonder: does it
> claudio> use the good Andrea's stuff for VM (officially introduced in 2.4.10 as far 
> claudio> I can remember) or the buggy one?
> claudio> Any hope to have a 2.4.17 for 8.1 then?
> Yes, just wait that I have a moment to compile a kernel for it.

Hmmm, does this mean that the 2.4.17 you are releasing does not have the
AA VM patches?  But isnt that included in the stock 2.4.17 already?

Can you clear this up?

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