Well, I had a nice long email all ready to go on this one but Netscape locked up and then it was history.....SO, to make a long story even longer, it worked.  There was some sort of frame buffer or segfault error caused by a file in the XINE DVD NAV RPM.  So, I uninstalled the RPM (which admittedly IS in the beta stage) and voila, it worked.  AVI and ASF files still don't play but mpeg's do.  I think other codecs are in the works.  The audio also synced well.

Thanks for the help,


Vincent Meyer wrote:
OK, so run it in a termimal and look at the messages!  Usually
it will do this if an audio or video driver won't load. Try

xine -X XShm - A oss

if just xine doesn't do it. Also xine -? will list the available
drivers for audio and video.


On Tuesday 01 January 2002 10:30 pm, you wrote:
Thanks for all your input guys.  I installed all the relevent RPM's then
ran usr/bin/xine and the ui came up, then immediately crashed. The ui
looks great (for the 2 seconds I get to see it anyway =), a huge leap
from the old ui. But, I just can't get it to run no matter what. It
would be really great to try out this program as I've heard lots of
great things about it but even when I got older versions to run, some of
the codecs must have been wrong as the video was all screwy (barely
visible). I'll keep playing with it though...

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