
I have problems using the Euro symbol in scribus. The symbol
is not displayed as Euro, but another one I don't know the
name of (this symbol also appears in emacs if you don't change
app-defaults/emacs or your .emacs). But the main problem is,
that the print-out does not show up this symbol but the Euro
symbol. So WISYWIG does not seem to work here. Any idea what
needs to be done to correct this ?

Other KDE apps like konqueror seem to correctly display the
Euro symbol (the character setting in KDE is set to ISO-8859-15
by default on my system). I have a german localisation (de_DE@euro)

Why is app-default of emacs set up like this:
emacs*font:                             -*-Fixed-Medium-R-*-*-*-130-*-*-*-*-iso1

With best regards,

Reinhard Katzmann
Software-Engineer, Developer for Embedded Devices
Project: HyperPen Tablet USB Driver for Linux 
GnuPG Public Key available on request

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