El Vie 11 Ene 2002 13:58, escribió:

> Cooker is normally unstable, should we say it again.

   I know it ... my intention is to fammiliarize with cooker first and then to
 develop any packages I find interesting ... ie: develop and test ;-) 
 These are just my first steps with Cooker ... I'll try don't to make dumb
  questions ... ;-)

> You need rpmtools updated, rpm too problably, make sure everything is
> up-to-date in fact.

   Ok, I did it ... everything seemed to be up to date ... 
> Upgrade curl too.

   curl is up to date too ... curl-7.9.2-2mdk and libcurl2-7.9.2-2.mdk, at least, these
  are the packages at the ftp.sunet.se mirror ...

> You still can use wget (even if curl is installed) by adding --wget to
> command line or by removing curl (if possible).

   Fine! ... that was the solution, I had to remove curl, and then I removed
  the lists (using MandrakeUpdate, not manually) and made a new one 
  source list from  ftp.sunet.se ... perhaps it was a corrupt file  ... :-?

> >        And how about that coredump I'm getting when I do an update ?
> What is your /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg ? and output of ls -l /var/lib/urpmi ?

     Now, after the first problem has been solved, the 'coredump' continues:

----- urpmi.cfg file
       ftp.sunet.se  {
            hdlist: hdlist.ftp.sunet.se.cz
            with_hdlist: synthesis.hdlist.cz
            list: list.ftp.sunet.se

       and ...

------ ls -l    /var/lib/urpmi 
-rw-r--r--      1 root     root           13973  ene  3 16:53 compssUsers.flat
-rw-------      1 root     root          246185 ene 11 16:47 list.ftp.sunet.se
-rw-r--r--      1 root     root          132349 ene 11 08:06 

    It happens when I try to make a complete update (the right button in 
  Mandrake Update), or the 'update wizard' when I start MandrakeUpdate.
  If I have enough time this weekend, I'll try to analize the core file by myself ...

> The problem would be not to report them at all, or the best is to fix by
> yourself and send me the patch.

   Thanks, François ... that's the spirit in such a development and testin'
  list ... 

   best regards,


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