
>This is a mixed 8.1 and some cooker from src packages, as well as the
>cvs mentioned earlier, so I think that it just totally confused as to
>what is what!
It's a mix, which makes it difficult for us to reproduce on our (cooker) 

>  The urpmi list at the end doesnt mention libgal.19 at
Are you sure the packages mentioned are in the urpmi database?

>  Though I think the "other" person with the problem has a recent
>8.1 install with little else changed (assumption on my part)
>[root@rattus SRPMS]# rpm -qpi gnumeric-1.0.1-1mdk.src.rpm 
src.rpm, that one should be OK... Could you show us the same for the 
.i586.rpm? The buildhost will probably say enough.

>[root@rattus SRPMS]# urpmf --requires
Old (8.1) packages:


Cooker packages:

>[root@rattus SRPMS]# rpm -qa|grep libgal
You'll need libgal11 to keep supporting the 8.1 apps that are installed 
(that require libgal).

>[root@rattus SRPMS]# 

Just curious: how did you install that CVS stuff? as a package? or 
./configure, make, make install? (If the latter: then things get really 
complicated, since you've installed things bypassing the rpm database).


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