> After reading about the christmas cooker snapshot and how enthusiastic
> people
> were about it, i tried it - to no avail. The second stage would not
> into
> memory. So I mirrored the cooker archive to my harddrive:
> rsync -avL --delete ftp.uninett.no::Mandrake-devel/cooker/cooker/
> /home/lusr/burn/cooker
> after booting with the hd.img boot floppy everything runs smoothly -
> the packages install. Here I am told about 80 times that a package
> (obviously
> a different one each time) could not be installed - 'do you want to
> anyway?'.

May be totally off mark, but

- you have to rsync until you get no updates. New files may have come
while you rsync'ing. Else you easily get mismatch between package list
and actual packages

- cooker install assumes existence of contrib.(which it treats as second
CD). I do not remember if I can tell "I have no contrib."


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