On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Laurent CREPET wrote:

{ On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 02:06:25PM +0100, Sylvain OBEGI wrote:
{ >  xcdroast
{ > 
{ > ** WARNING **: Invalid cdrecord version 1.11a12 found. Expecting version
{ > 1.10
{ > 
{ > 
{ > need to be rebuilt?
{ I rebuilt it yesterday from the SRPM, and I still have the same error
{ message. The problem has been reported by other people last week, I
{ think.

You can also use "xcdroast -n".

[dpel@xcrde13 2step]$ xcdroast -h
xcdroast: invalid option -- h
Usage: xcdroast [options]  (Version: 0.98alpha9)
        -d <debug level>
        -c <config directory>  (currently: ~/.xcdroast)
        -l <lib directory>     (currently: /usr/lib/xcdroast-0.98)
        -o : Disable multibyte font support
        -n : Disable cdrtools version check (use at own risk)

Denis Pelletier
Étudiant au doctorat
sciences économiques, Université de Montréal

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