
1.  On boot disks, advanced.msg file has wrong spelling for security

2.  console gets constant message: Gdk-WARNING **: can not set locale 
modifiers at /usr/bin/perl-install/my_gtk.pm line 317

3.Help screen for "Class of Installation" makes no mention of the new button 
"Update packages only"

4.  '/' has directory /swap, any reason for this?

5.  msec modifying /etc/group to add nogroup,xgrp,ntools,ctools immediately 
after users.  Can these 'required groups' added below 500 and made part of 
the default groups in package setup?  Its a real pain to have to move these 
after the install.

6. The Services to start display shows apcupsd under the Printer group, it 
should be under Other or System, since it is the APC UPS monitoring daemon.

7. The last few installs have resulted in my X display being compressed to 
80% of usual width, and 110% of height.  Just started to happen with the 
4.1.99 XFree stuff.  I tried all different setting combinations of monitors, 
resolutions etc, during the installation, but any visible combination always 
resulted in the distortion.  BTW, normal text displays are fine.

8.   Noticed that 'partmon' seems to be partially in place.  Would it not be 
better to create a seperate partmon package, rather than adding it to the 
initscripts package?

9.  What is the reasoning for having the "No X" selection for a minimal 
install, in addition to the Base system and With X selections?


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