le mar 22-01-2002 à 00:53, Derek Simkowiak a écrit :
>       My newbie / Mac heads / Windoze losers tell me that 'Linux is
> slow'.  I tell them they are full of it.  Then they show me.
>       Click on the Gnome foot icon (e.g., "Start" button).  On a 233 MHz
> box, it can take > 1 second for the menu to come up.  On an AMD K6/2
> 450MHz, it can take .2-.4 seconds to come up, a noticable and distracting
> delay.  On a PIII 1 GHz, it can take .05 - .1 seconds to come up,
> something that does NOT happen under Windows on the same box.  Since this
> is the most-used button, the entire desktop (and hence, 'Linux') seems
> slow.
>       The cause?  Gnome re-reads the menus from disk at every click.
>       Gnome Control Center -> Panel -> Menu -> "Keep menus in memory"

I see a pb here :
if you install a package, maybe your menu will not be update.

Does menu force gnome/KDE/whatherwmyouwant menu regeneration when a
package is installed ?

>       Since Red Hat set that to be the default setting, they have seen a
> drastic decrease in the number of complaints about Gnome speed.  Mandrake
> should also make that the default.
> [dereks@dev dereks]$ cat /etc/mandrake-release
> Mandrake Linux release 8.1 (Vitamin) for i586
> [dereks@dev dereks]$ rpm -q gnome-core gnome-libs
> gnome-core-
> gnome-libs-
> --Derek
Dijkstra me hait problement.
        -- Linus Torvalds, (dans kernel/sched.c)

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