OK, in 8.1 Mandrake set up the right Windows key as
the Multi_key, which seems not to still be the case in
Cooker (hopefully they'll fix that).  So, if you're on
Cooker, run:
xmodmap -e "keycode 116 = Multi_key"
as a temporary fix.

Then, when you're typing, hit the right windows key
(and release) then left parentheses then r
and you should get:

:D  For © it's co or oc, and for other things, it
always a 2 character combo that sorta makes sense.

--- Quel Qun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 20:28, Michael Holt wrote:
> > 7:18pm... Quel Qun carefully chose these words:
> > 
> > "IntelliMouse® 1.1A PS/2 
> > 
> > Sorry for the stupid question; how did you get
> that little 'R' with the 
> > circle around it?  
> >
> Mike,
> I use gnome, and there is a utility called gcharmap
> displaying all the
> characters. It is in the gnome-utils rpm. There is a
> similar app for kde
> called kcharselect in kdeutils. I also use the
> character picker panel
> applet.
> Enjoy,
> =-=
> kk1

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