Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > 
> > [root@bastard root]# urpmi urpmi
> > Pour satisfaire les d¨¦pendances, les paquetages suivants vont ¨ºtre
> > install¨¦s (26 Mo):
> > rpm-python-4.0.3-4mdk popt-1.6.3-4mdk rpmtools-4.1-4mdk
> > popt-devel-1.6.3-4mdk cups-common-1.1.13-3mdk rpm-4.0.3-4mdk
> > rpm-build-4.0.3-4mdk rpm-devel-4.0.3-4mdk
> > Est-ce correct ? (O/n)
> > 
> > [will@bastard will]$ rpm -q urpmi
> > urpmi-3.2-7mdk
> > 
> Correct. I had almost the same issue yesterday doing urpmi glibc but
> forgot to send and list is @home. It seem cups wants to always be
> installed :-) because glibc was current.

This is problably the cause :
$ rpm -qpR /RPMS/cups-common-1.1.13-3mdk.i586.rpm  | grep rpm
rpm >= 3.0.4-6mdk
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1

where upgrading rpm will cause cups-common to be upgraded too.


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