On Thursday 07 February 2002 09:04, Leon Brooks wrote:
> The shots need to be a little more ``slippery'' so you can sneak them
> through gaps.

> You might consider a
> mechanism for ``putting English on the ball'' (shift keys?) to make the
> gameplay significantly different.

Actually, mod keys to make the next throw more sticky or more slippery would 
probably do the job. But I still like the idea of adding ``English'' to a 

If you do add skull-equivalent balls, it would fit the theme make them just 
ice, similar to the frozen-over image.

You might also want to rename the game ``brass monkey'' given that involves 
cold balls. (-:

Even more OT, the phrase ``freeze the balls off a brass monkey'' actually has 
nothing to do with simians. In the days of muzzle-loading cannon, the iron 
balls were kept near the cannon in little pyramidal stacks, held together 
with a device much like the triangular frame which is used to set up pool 
balls, made of brass and called a ``brass monkey''. In cold weather, the 
brass would contract faster than the iron, and if it got cold enough the 
balls would pop out of the monkey.

Cheers; Leon

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