On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 11:40:06AM +0100, Till Kamppeter wrote:
> Due to the test page being a PostScript program querying some info from 
> the PostScript interpreter I didn't ps2ps it, but I "convert"ed 
> (ImageMagick) the image to PostScript level 1. This works at least on a 
> PostScript printer or with gv, but GhostScript cannot handle it when the 
> "pstops" filter of CUPS has pre-processed it. When I eps2eps the image, 
> it  gets an ugly horizontal black line at its top.

I had some postscript document from a multiplatform-DTP program (windows,
mac, amiga, no linux unfortunately, but runs under uae) called PageStream
which after pstops only produced empty pages as well, did not check the
PS version hmm...
If this the %%languagelevel in the postscript file then this must be
level 1 as there is no such information but I also found:
 /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel 1 ne {false setstrokeadjust false 
setoverprint}if }if
I'm not a postscript Guru after all ;)

I suppose that pstops from psutils package has certain problems
with some postscript file. It would be very handy to be able to use it
for me as I have some problems with booklet printing with my DTP program.
I can't really say if pstops has problems with certain postscript levels
or if these are other problems.

But ps2ps -dLanguageLevel=1 should convert to level 1, shouldn't it ?


Software-Engineer, Developer for Embedded Devices
Project: Pertergrin, a role playing game system
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