Ainsi parlait Borsenkow Andrej :
> On ÷ÔÒ, 2002-02-12 at 20:04, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> > For Juan:
> > why not have a dedicated /etc/sysconfig/sensor file, wich content would
> > be sourced and every modules here modprobed by /etc/init.d/sensor script
> > ? --
> Send a patch to Chmouel (why Juan? it is initscripts/lm_utils) and it
> will probably be accepted. They only thing I fail to understand - what
> advantage does it have over /etc/modules?
[guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ rpm -qf /etc/init.d/sensors
[guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ -p lm_sensors

And he just said he was OK for the patch. Christian, you've been the first 
one to submit it, i let you this honour :-)

Including those modules in a separate file will ensure they won't be loaded 
if sensor service is not started.
Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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