On Út, 2002-02-12 at 09:31, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Hi!
> I just now noticed that thanks to /etc/cron.daily/rpm I've got a
> *really* long running rpmq process:
> root      4261 89.1  0.4  3548 1216 ?        R    04:02 290:50 /usr/lib/rpm/rpmq -q 
>--all --qf %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}
> Well, 290 minutes is quite a lot, isn't it?  How/Why does this happen?
> Alexander Skwar
I get rpmq running forever when rpm database is corrupted. It looks like
this: I run rpm -qa and it prints out some names and then stops, waiting
forever in a loop. If I kill it and do `rpm --rebuilddb' it works again.
        Michal Suchanek

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