"Andrew S. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I ran makewhatis -v -w manually, just to see all the man pages go
> by, but still man -k never finds anything.

just works smoothly here:

tv@vador ~/DOC $ man -k ls|head
assert               (3)  - abort the program if assertion is false
deallocvt            (1)  - deallocate unused virtual terminals
false                (1)  - do nothing, unsuccessfully
flame                (1)  - draw weird cosmic fractals
glNormalPointer      (3x)  - define an array of normals
glXGetConfig         (3x)  - return information about GLX visuals
gluQuadricNormals    (3x)  - specify what kind of normals are desired for quadrics
hopalong             (1)  - draw real plane fractals
julia                (1)  - draws spinning, animating julia - set fractals
perlhack             (1)  - How to hack at the Perl internals

i did then manually run makewhatis -v -w but i still get no errors

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