On So, 2002-01-19 at 19:00, andre wrote:
> Op do 17-01-2002, om 23:01 schreef Todd Lyons:
> > Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek wrote on Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 02:17:06PM +0100 :
> > 
> > > Now I discovered that I need to remove ~/.xauth/ to su. Othervise I get
> > > File sise limit exceeded. After that it works fine (except the crash on
> > 
> > Does fiddling with any of the values in /etc/security/limits.conf affect
> > anything?  Or is everything commented out?
> > 
> > Regards...          Todd
> Last year there was a bug that sounds just like this in cooker. Don't
> remember what the problem was just that a solution was found. So you may
> have to dive in one of the mailing list archives
Now I can su and see no problems anymore. I suspect there was some
problem with copying files or reading pipes: once I was able to see a
file that had some X cookie or something in the beginning and lots of
null bytes after that. 
It went away after some larger upgrade.
        Michal Suchanek

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