when I run rxvt or xterm and let it running on the screen when logging
out of KDE (saving the session). When I log in next time, KDE doesn't
restore rxvt/xterms windows. The problem is that "rxvt" isn't actually
rxvt binary, but shell scripts which decides what to run and then runs
actuall binary. This somehow breaks KDE session saving/restoring.

Maybe this "deciding what to run" should be done other way ... (only
when rxvt is called from menu?)

This applies to xterm too (similar shell script which decides what
binary to run). This DOESN'T apply to konsole and gnome-terminal,
which are the standard binaries itself.

Have a nice day

         Martin Mačok                 http://underground.cz/
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://Xtrmntr.org/ORBman/

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