On Monday, 18. February 2002 17:26, you wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (RA) writes:
> > In my snortd (and in original one too):
> > INTERFACE=eth0
> >
> > and PID file is
> > /var/run/snort_eth0.pid
> you're right and this is teh actual case for mandrake snort packages.
> > and not snort.pid. So snortd is started in multiple instances when
> > changing runlevel e.g. from 3 to 5.
> my mistake, I was thinking about the snort lock file in
> /var/lock/subsys/snort
> so, without running snort twice, only by changing levels from say 3 to 5
> one will find two instances of snort ?


> > > I don't get it here ... what do you mean by that ?
> > > snort is the name of the initscript ... what will do INTERFACE here ?
> > >
> > > > And what about > modify it e.g. for snort-mysql
> > >
> > > ok for this one, fair enough

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