
> Sony PCG-Z600NE
> ---------------
> This machine has a PCMCIA CD-ROM drive with 128MB RAM and USB floppy.
> Booting with ide2=0x180,0x386 succeeds in loading the
> installation GUI and all goes well until it comes to selecting
> packages. It can't find the rpmlist -but from the error message
> this is not immediately obvious. Repeating the attempt in text
> mode reveals that it can't find the pcmcia drivers. So how does
> it succeed in loading the GUI installer in the first place? Why
> are the pcmcia drivers not detected/included?

can you attach the report.bug? 
to get it:

during install, switch to console 2,
put a dos floppy in floppy drive,
and type "bug"

-> it will put report.bug on floppy  and this file interests us

you can also get it after the install in /root/drakx/

Guillaume Cottenceau - http://www.frozen-bubble.org/

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