
I already reported last week that printing in the mdk version
of scribus does not work (no plugins error). The reason is
simple: You forgot to include the /usr/share/scribus/libs
directory containing all important files for printing:

# ls /usr/local/share/scribus/libs 
libabout.la*        libpdf.so.0@             libpreferences.la*
libabout.so@        libpdf.so.0.0.0*         libpreferences.so@
libabout.so.0@      libpostscript.la*        libpreferences.so.0@
libabout.so.0.0.0*  libpostscript.so@        libpreferences.so.0.0.0*
libpdf.la*          libpostscript.so.0@
libpdf.so@          libpostscript.so.0.0.0*

Also: If you encounter problems with certain special characters
of fonts (like the german umlauts) when printing your documents,
check if the fonts.dir and fonts.scale contain the entry of your
font with iso-8859-1(5) as the _first_ entry. The program does
incorrectly ignore the KBCHARSET variable and simply take the
first entry it encounters. This leads to problems when installing
fonts with the help of certain font installers which start f.e. with
the unicode entry instead of the iso-8859-x ones.
I've mailed the author about the problem some days ago but got no
answer so far.


Software-Engineer, Developer for Embedded Devices
Project: Pertergrin, a role playing game system
GnuPG Public Key available on request

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