Gateway 9150Xl notebook - Xircom Realport (RBEM-56G) card

1)  I have a DSL account through T-Online here in Germany.  I have a
Linksys 4 port router which runs DHCP.  During install I am never asked
about hostname - and it aparently gets a domainname from the T-Online
host (result of command hostname: - but
an entry in the /etc/hosts file is not there - and therefore Squid
fails!  This is directly after a fresh install!

[root@localhost rfox]# hostname
[root@localhost rfox]# hostname -d
hostname: Unknown host
[root@localhost rfox]# cat /etc/hosts               localhost.localdomain localhost
[root@localhost rfox]#

2)  Xircom card still initializing in half-duplex mode (but during
install it's full-duplex) - also, there is NO DHCP initialization of the
card - I have to perform a manual "ifup eth0" before I can use the
network (after a fresh install) - This was not happening before.

3)  MCC - Logs tool is broken (as reported earlier)


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