> 8.2, beta 3. Three issues:
> 1) kinput2 and freewnn are still missing from the CDs.
> 2) Printing Japanese still fails. VFlib seems to be at fault.
> 3) KDE now crashes under Japanese locale.
Changing /usr/share/ghostscript/6.52/vflib/kconfig.ps in the following 
manner solves problem 2 for me:
# diff kconfig.ps kconfig.ps.org

< /Ryumin-Light         4300000 (min)   VFlibkanji
< /GothicBBB-Medium     4300200 (goth)  VFlibkanji
> /Ryumin-Light         4300000 (r-kochi-mincho)        VFlibkanji
> /GothicBBB-Medium     4300200 (r-kochi-gothic)        VFlibkanji

This change was suggested to me by Xiaoming as a solution to the same 
problem in 8.1. Can it be incorporated into the distribution this time? 
It's shameful to release with the same bug twice!

Summary: This change enables me to view and print postscript files 
containing Japanese characters.


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