Well, try as I might - built kernel, booted to runlevel 1, stopped PCMCIA, 
stopped APMD, followed all other ideas on the list - I am delivering an Acer 
Extensa laptop on Sunday with Mandrake 8.1 installed so it can be displayed 
for all to see at trade fairs. Quite what an impression it will make when 
every time the lid is closed or the mains lead is plugged in, or the PCMCIA 
modem is removed it simply locks solid remains to be seen. I suppose the only 
"improvement" is that the kernel crash report no longer appears, the screen 
does come back but that's it ! But out of the door it must go ! In all other 
respects it pulls off tricks that I have now idea if they can even be done 
under Window$, it's just such a shame it's going to be seen as flaky and 
unstable :-(


On Tuesday 12 Feb 2002 5:34 am, you wrote:
> I have compiled a laptop friendly kernel for the Dell
> Inspiron 8000. While using Fluxbox as the window
> manager I have been able to suspend to ram (never have
> been able to do that in the past!), use the Fn keys at
> will without errors, pull the plug from my laptop or
> plug it in without issues.
> There is still one issue that I don't believe is
> kernel related. When I come back from resume the
> pcmcia lan card is not up (eth0). This may be related
> to the problem with /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-eth0.pid not
> being cleared. I have the same problem when the system
> is not shut down properly, or I remove my lan card
> from the pcmcia socket and then reinsert it.
> I have included my successful .config file for other
> frustrated Dell laptop users. One warning though. I
> disabled quite a bit of network drivers (among others)
> because of compile issues that I had, so you may want
> to make sure your driver is enabled.
> =====
> SI Reasoning
> "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president or that we
> are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and
> servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." Theodore
> Roosevelt
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