I'm doing a text install on 8.2beta3 and noticed
something that, to me, is VERY important.

When one reaches the point of setting up the
filesystems, there's no option to reload the partition
table as there is in the GUI install mode.  I tend to
do a CTRL-ALT-F2 to get to a VC, use fdisk to wipe the
existing table and re-create it, and then get back
over to the GUI version in that mode, reload the table
and then assign mount points and fs types.  But one
can't do that in the TUI mode (at least I couldn't
find out how).  I had to reboot and give it another

Also, when one wants to change the FS type, there's no
drop down box or any other method by which one can
select one.  The default is "Journalised FS: ext3",
which is fine, but if I simply say "reiserfs" or
"xfs", it fails when it attempts to write to disk.

I know this has been missing on previous versions too,
so I thought I'd mention it.  Especially now that the
minimal install is available, it seems that Mandrake's
starting to gear themselves for the server market
(where I've been using it for years).  To get around
this previously, I'd had to remove the drive from the
machine w/ the terrible graphics card (who cares what
kind of a graphics card is in a server where it's
typically headless anyway) and install it in a
secondary machine to do the install.  Not ideal.

At any rate, I can't imagine that I'm the only one
that's attempted to use this functionality.  And for
those of us to whom the graphical install method is
still quite new, it'd be *really* nice to get that
working and fully functional.  Just my $0.02...



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