
I too had the network config hang and the cursor
thing, yes it did this 
on my PCG-Z600NE. You need to switch the hardware
cursor off using 
'Option "sw_cursor"' in the XFconfig-4 file. Works
fine after that.


Schlomo Schwartz wrote:

>I finished an 8.2beta3 pcmcia install over NFS on my
>Sony VAIO PCG-F580 tonight and, well, I'm having some
>The first thing I noticed after I had to do a hard
>reset (it didn't reboot on its own as it normally
>does) was that my network wasn't up which I thought
>was quite strange as I'd just done an install over
>network.  Everything was configured, but for some
>reason, my /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>had onboot=no.  I would think this should be set to
>"yes" by default, especially as obviously I'm wanting
>to be on the network.  I set it to "yes", restarted
>the network and life was good.
>Second, was something that I'd experienced in RH 7.0
>(I think).  After X was configured and it went into
>test mode, my mouse cursor is a big fuzzy square.  I
>don't know what I'd done previously to fix this, but
>can't seem to do it right now (which is quite
>frustrating to say the least not being able to use
>Here are what XF86 packages are installed:
>And I'll attach my XF86Config-4
>PS:  So can anyone help me to resolve this cursor
>problem? :)

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