On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 09:57:19AM -0800, David Walser wrote:
> No, path isn't the problem either.  With the absolute
> path
> 30 7 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/xmms -p
> It still didn't run.

Do you (root) get any of error messages by email? If it fails, crond
is supposed to send all stdout and stderr output to root.
(Did you set alias for root in postfix configuration? Or you can set
mail in /etc/crontab directly. Root directly doesn't get any email for
security reasons)

What about setting DISPLAY variable?

         Martin Mačok                 http://underground.cz/
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://Xtrmntr.org/ORBman/

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