Hey guys I REALLY need some assistance with this one

kernels 2.4.17-20mdk-1-1,  kernel-enterprise-2.417-21mdk & kernel 

The original culprit was "make xconfig", it did'nt make the config file, just 
said it did.
 both the generic 2.4.17 kernel and kernel 2.4.17-20 compiled and even the 
modules built and loaded., when "make menuconfig " bwas used.

the current kernel is 2.4.17-2, and is stable

running my compile of 2.4.17-20 mdk completly killed X , put the monitor in 
to standby mode, locked out the keyboard, killed the ps2 mouse driver, and 
somehow effected the bios " gave error message slave ide fail"
PC powered down rebooted on 2.4.17-2mdk-1-1, X failed to start and XFdrake 
produced errors and no config tests worked.....considered this was my fault 
due to inexperiance.

Complete reinstall 8.1 , downloaded kernel 2.4.17-20mdk-1-1, installed with 
later versions of iptables 1.2.4-2mdk, 
ran with kernel 2.4.17-20mdk-1-1, OK into the consol, started X...and got 
exactly the same effect as the kernel I built, this time it did'nt cause the 
"slave ide fail "on reboot.

Another fresh install of 8.1 as before but this time with 
kernel-2.4.17-21mdk-1-1, as before ,now getting very frustrated !

another virgin install of 8.1 this time ran 2.4.17-2mdk,  no problems, I also 
use d EXT3 to help recover from bad shutdowns.
so loaded in kernel-enterprise-2.4.17-21mdk-1-1, this time very similar 
crashed X and killed the ps2 mouse driver, but this time I could rerun with 
2.4.17-2mdk,,,but only KDE remains Gnome desktop has departed !
There is no indication in syslog of whats causing this, on all occasions I 
've also tried remote access, but in each case the machine was completly hung.

system details AMD duron 700MHz 512MB ram  ,ATI Radeon VE 64Mb, hansol 710a 

I have tried 2.4.17-10mdk, but this caused problems with iptables.

/var/log/kernel/warnings show these kernels listed as mandrake 8.2, are they 
backward compatable with 8.1 ????,
If I could find a mirror that will give a download speed on > 40k/sec, I'll 
try 8.2 beta3,,but has anyone got 8.2 beta3 running with an ATI Radeon card 

If there is no backward compatability 8,2 will go down like a lead ballon

please will someone take this seriously

TIA Richard

On Sunday 24 February 2002 9:49 pm, you wrote:

> > please, send me the config that you are tryingn to compile, please, it
> > works for me (tm), and you are not the first nor the second having
> > problems with it, and I am not able to reproduce them :(
> >
> > I am able to compile with gcc-2.96 & gcc-3.0.4.
> >
> > if possible, told me what you do step by step, i.e.
> >
> > urpme kernel-source-
> > rpm -Uvh kernel-source
> > cd /usr/src/linux
> > make mrproper
> > create your config for your preferred method
> > make dep
> > make clean
> > make bzImage modules
> > make modules_install
> > make modules
> >
> > If it fails, a log of this all will be nice.
> I can not build a customized kernel (either -20 or -21) from scratch.
> Here are the steps I took:
> rpm -ihv kernel-source-2.4.17-21mdk.i586.rpm
> pushd /usr/src/linux*21mdk
> edit Makefile to change EXTRA_VERSION to '-21acs'
> make mrproper
> make menuconfig
> make dep
> make -j3 bzImage
> This last gets an error on 3rdparty, even though I've attempted not to
> use any 3rdparty code.
> You'll notice I'm not using modules; maybe that's the why you haven't
> seen the problem, Juan.

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