Le Mardi 26 Février 2002 13:14, Juan Quintela a écrit :
> >>>>> "j" == J A Magallon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> j> Hi.
> j> Just read subject. Really, it is just -rc3. I have not followed latest
> j> chagelogs, but sometime I saw an rc2...
> Not, we are based in rc4 :p
> j> Sure we are on time for 8.2, aren't we ???
> I don't think so, I asked upstream if we can change the name, and
> still not answer.  Anyways, rc4 is better than final, then .....
> Later, Juan.
I'm confused ...
Why not giving out a functional, deeply patched 2.4.17 instead of trying to 
mix with a 2.4.18 or a so-called rc ?

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