On Втр, 2002-02-26 at 20:21, Keld Jørn Simonsen wrote:
> Hi again,
> Another wish: I am running several systems on my brand new 60 Gb disk:
> a stable linux, the mdk82b3 beta, I also have mdk82beta1 installed, and 
> then an old one and then windows. Happy for my new disk:-)
> Could not have done this beta testing without it...
> All of these systems run with their own roots, and a common /boot
> and /home. DrakX (I think) does a good job of determining
> which boot kernels there are and also the associated initrd's
> but when it comes to guessing the root it thinks it is all
> the same. I did an observation that the initrd's are very
> dependent on the root they are using, as this is recorded in them.
> At least it records Å“the file type, I have had ext2, ext3 and reiserfs
> roots and an initrd will only boot the type of roots it was made for
> (could you override this by a parameter to the kernel boot?)

It requires too much changes to be done for 8.2

> So why not record this in the name of the initrd, and then use
> this name to generate the root entry in the lilo.conf?
> ex initrd-2.4.8-27mdk-hda7.img would have root=/dev/hda7
> Maybe Redhat and others dont do that but that would be their problem.

Your setup is highly unusual. Why do you need common /boot in the first
place? Put you kernels on root; what I do is to have master lilo in MBR
that have


for every other installed system and install lilo on partition for each
of them. This way there is no need to regenerate master lilo for every
change in other systems.


> By the way, I am running beta3 as my production system.
> It took me 4 weeks before I dared to do that for RH 7.2.
> Good job, lads!
> Kind regards
> keld

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