Things have gotten a bit weird on my keyboard.

Firstly, I have included the following lines at the
end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local to enable volume control on
my Dell Inspiron 8000's volume buttons:

i8kbuttons -u /usr/local/dell/ -d
/usr/local/dell/ -m
/usr/local/dell/ -r 100 &

This has worked in the past  but now when I boot up I
do not get it to work.

However if I manually run /etc/rc.d/rc.local then it
will work for a little while, but then will disappear
again. Is msec making changes to the keybard now? Do I
need to put this somewhere else and if so how should I
do it?

Also, my PageUp and PageDn buttons on the keyboard
only work on occassion. I have not found any
consistent reason as to what makes it start work and
what makes it stop. This is very frustrating.

Another thing I notice is that when I open a new page
(or tab, really) on galeon by clicking on the new page
button, I have to right mouse click on that page to
reclaim the keyboard focus. Otherwise, no matter how
many times I try to right click to enter a box to type
in, I get nothing or it will type somewhere else (and
I cannot get it to leave there either, without the
right click) This behaviour may not be limited to
Galeon, but the above procedure is consistent.

SI Reasoning

A requirement of creativity is that it contributes to change.  Creativity keeps
the creator alive.

-FRANK HERBERT, unpublished notes

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