Ainsi parlait Leon Brooks :
> On Wednesday 27 February 2002 23:08, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> > Ainsi parlait Leon Brooks :
> >> Well, come and see for yourself whether it's true or not. The best and
> >> most productive winegrowing region in Oz is just south of here.
> >
> > Well, i had just a little journey at Sydney in november for a scientific
> > meeting,
> What kind of science?
Biodiversity & Informatics

> > and i'm still puzzled by this wonderful place.
> Sydney? Wonderful? My boy, have you ever got a treat in store! (-:
Only in record stores :-)

> > BTW, many thanks to
> > cooker underground travel agency for all tips & tricks.
> Open source travel?
Kind of.

> > And i must admit australian wine i tasted were excellent :-)
> I hope Sydney's water didn't put you off. Perth's is much better
> (wine-tasters have actually done proper double-blind tests on this, BION)
> and we can get you fresh rainwater straight off the southern ocean if that
> is to your taste. (-:
Water ? When there are so many wine and beers to taste first ?

> Oz is a very special place in many ways. We regularly get Japanese tourists
> jumping into Perth taxis and asking to be taken to Sydney (about 50 hours'
> drive at 110km/h including stops for fuel and food but not sleep, I speak
> from experience) or Broome (only 26 hours drive at 120km/h, almost nonstop,
> experience again). Rottnest Island, 10km from Fremantle, offers scuba
> diving trumped only by places like the Great Barrier Reef. Our sunsets are
> world-class. We can show you sand-dunes in red, white, grey and brown. We
> don't have fresh wood sticking out of the ground like France does, but
> there is some fresh wood embedded in the Sydney (Manley) sandstone. We have
> flora and fauna like no other (six weeks after a good rain in the Pilbara,
> it becomes a flower shop about a thousand km on a side), and the world's
> biggest rock. And so on. Where do your interests fall? I'm sure we can find
> something. (-:
Why don't you just say that of the 23 most venomous snakes in the world, only 
3 are *not* from Australia, and not in the start of the list ? That salties 
(sea crocodiles) can reach 7 meters long and weighs 1,5 ton ? That people in 
the streets just stop by and offers to help you when you're looking for your 
way ? All the kind of things you won't see anywhere else :-)
Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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