It seems that cdrecord correctly detect the devices, but there is NO program 
that is able to copy a CD at the moment, even as root!

XcdRoast complains about missing suid but even changing permission, it won't 
find anything

Gcombust doesn't have access permission on devices. This is the only message:

/usr//bin/cdrecord: No such file or directory. No read access for '0,1,0'.

[claudio@monster claudio]$ cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.11a15 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg 
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.22
Using libscg version 'schily-0.5'
        0,0,0     0) *
        0,1,0     1) 'NEC     ' 'CD-ROM DRIVE:466' '1.26' Removable CD-ROM
        0,2,0     2) *
        0,3,0     3) *
        0,4,0     4) 'SCANNER ' '                ' 'V100' Scanner
        0,5,0     5) *
        0,6,0     6) 'MATSHITA' 'CD-R   CW-7503  ' '1.08' Removable CD-ROM
        0,7,0     7) *

3) Kreatecd only says "cannot prapare cd for burning"

4) KonCD only crashes

5) Eroaster:

[root@monster claudio]# eroaster
27.02.2002 22:29:01.899 INFO None [Main] ECLiPt Roaster Version 2.0.12 
starting up
27.02.2002 22:29:01.907 WARNING None [Main] You are claudio - you may want to 
be root
27.02.2002 22:29:01.908 INFO None [Main] Checking for required programs
27.02.2002 22:29:01.939 INFO None [Main] Checking for additional programs
27.02.2002 22:29:01.945 WARNING None [Main] Couldn't find normalize
27.02.2002 22:29:02.430 ERROR GnomeOptionMenu [activate_item] Item iso8859-1 
doesn't exist.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/eroaster/", line 22, in ?
IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

NB) I'm root but in the second line eroaster says "You are claudio - you may 
want to be root". WHY!?! Maybe that's the reason that break everything?

Please try to make it work!

Claudio Panichi, System/Network Admin at Dept. of Physics
"Tor Vergata" University and INFN - Sec. "Roma II"
Remote System is: LINUX!

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