Tomas Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On both computers I have one reiserfs partition on which / resides and 
> a swap partition. It's IDE (no scsi) and / is /dev/hda2.
> The kernel I'm trying to compile is 2.4.18-ac2 (not mdk), I verified 
> by trying to rebuild the initrd of the 2.4.17+preempt+lockbreak kernel 
> I'm using presently and it locks up too.
> Should I try an mdk kernel?

We can't give you support if you don't use our kernel..


> Creating filesystem with size 400KB and 43 inodes
> mke2fs 1.26 (3-Feb-2002)
> <that's where it locks up>

At the moment when the e2fs filesystem is built using loopback.
Could it be you have a problem with your loopback?

> PS: Since I'm only using initrd for the reiserfs module I guess I 
> could just compile it in an not use initrd anymore...

Yes but be informed that you won't be able to provide mount
options (such as notail for reiserfs for example).

> Thanks in advance for any help, looking forward to Mandrake 8.2

Guillaume Cottenceau -

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