I'm afraid that with the new betas I've installed, I can't use one of
the most used applications (at least on my machines) -- grip.

Whenever I fire it up, it says:

# grip
Error: Unable to initialize [/dev/cdrom]

Yep, there wasn't a /dev/cdrom symlink to my cdrom (in this case being
/dev/scd0) so I created it.  Still doesn't work.  Even *with* the
symlink, it complains.  Any thoughts?

GPG Key fingerprint = 4F36 EC4F 2F2C 5F59 9690  09E5 4C0F 9DB0 8623 53CE
People who develop the habit of thinking of themselves as world
citizens are fulfilling the first requirement of sanity in our time.
                -- Norman Cousins

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