I'm sorry, I didn't make that very clear did I....

I installed the kernel seperatly, and the below is what happened.

I am just reporting a problem anyway, so if you want to fix it fine, if 
not, leave it broken so that it won't work for others either.



François Pons wrote:

>Bill Greenwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>After Installing kernel-2.4.18-2, it set the video mode in lilo.conf to:
>>vga=788, or x600 in 16 bits (FrameBuffer only) in MCC bootconf.
>>I use a PCI S3 ViRGE (generic) ViRGE/DX or /GX video card, and while trying to
>>boot with the above command line for video, it starts to boot then says
>>something like:  Invalid video mode, press 'Enter' to see the different modes
>>available, or type in 'scan'.
>>And of course splashscreen doesn't work because of this. :(
>>BTW, Aurora never did work once with this card either.
>If the install use frame buffer, it is possible to activate it after, or the
>install will (should) never use it.

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