Install went flawless - but then again I don't test all the install
features.  I simply blow away the root partition but keep the /home
partition every new install.

I'm sorry to repeat myself, but there are consistent annoying problems,
little stuff - but the devil is in the details.

1) Sound appears to broken again (after fresh install) - it was working
for a short period from the last few weeks ago - and works fine in 8.1 -
please see attached install logs for clues.  It's actually hit or miss
because it sometimes works, but sometimes not.  Funny thing is - when I
launch noatun with an MP3 file - the sound springs to life!!!

2) hostname is still messed up - which consequently throws squid off. 
the entry in /etc/hosts doesn't reflect the "found" hostname from the

3) two floppy icons for the LS-120 drive shows up on the desktop

4) The Xircom Realport Cardbus (RBEM-56G) network card still shows up in
half-duplex after the install (but during the install it is full-duplex)
I have to mention this again because in all previous Cookers (especially
8.1 and halfway through 8.2) it always worked fine.

That's it - this is a great release!!


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