On Tue, 05 Mar 2002 13:15:07 +0100, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> »Alexander 'Digital Projects' Skwar« sagte am 2002-03-05 um 12:56:27
> +0100 :
>> > ldd $(which update-menus )
>> /usr/bin/update-menus: error while loading shared libraries:
>> /usr/bin/update-menus: unsupported version 33 of Verneed record
> Hmm, I also noticed that the md5 of the update-menus binary was wrong.
> So I reinstalled the menu package.
> Now, when I call "update-menus" as root, I get the following output:
> [17/412] [13:10:33] [root@cpo] [~]
>> update-menus
> [18/412] [13:10:35] [root@cpo] [~]
>> sh: savekdemimetypes.pl: command not found
> sh: /usr/bin/removekdesysmenu.pl: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
> sh: restorekdemimetypes.pl: command not found sh: savekdemimetypes.pl:
> command not found sh: /usr/bin/removekdesysmenu.pl: Datei oder
> Verzeichnis nicht gefunden sh: restorekdemimetypes.pl: command not

It seems kdebase was not completely installed on your system.. (or not
properly uninstalled..)

Frédéric Crozat

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